Terms and Conditions

  1. Customer shall cooperate with the delivery boy to examine the cloth(s)/article(s) and inquire about any defect(s)/Damage(s) at the time of pickup.
  2. To cancel your scheduled pickup, you are requested to call and inform. Cancellation is not chargeable as long as the delivery boy has not started for pickup. Otherwise, the customer may have to pay delivery fee of the given order as conveyance charges.
  3. Customer shall count the cloth(s)/article(s) at the time of pickup and delivery and inform the delivery at the same time. Once the cloth(s)/Article(s) are delivered and accepted by customer, we will not be liable to pay any refund for any missing cloth(s) or damage complaint.
  4. Customer shall examine that no valuable item(s)/belongings given along with cloth(s)/article(s). Rinzzo will not be held responsible for loss of/damage to any valuable/personal item(s) left in the cloth(s)/article(s) such as jewelry, purse, money, important papers or any other things.
  5. Rinzzo shall not be held responsible for damage of any ornaments fitted on the cloth(s).
  6. Rinzzo takes no guarantee for the damage whatsoever caused to the cloth(s)/article(s) like color bleed, color fade, shrinkage, Damage to embroidery work etc.
  7. Customer shall ensure to take original bill after due delivery of garments to the delivery boy.
  8. Original bill needs to be made available at the time of delivery. In case, the original bill lost or misplaced at the time of delivery, our team will verify the credentials of customer.
  9. Customer needs to informed, in case any specific type of wash or cleaning required before availing the service.
  10. Customer cannot claim any compensation, refunds or any reduction in charges. In case we are unable to deliver within the timeline due to incidents beyond our control or incidences of Force Majeure event such as fire, flood, storm, natural calamities, earthquake, enemies, war, riot, civil commotion or any other irresponsible force, act of God.
  11. Customer cannot claim any compensation, refunds or any reduction in charges in case of loss(s)/Damage(s) of/to the cloth(s)/article(s) due to incidents beyond our control or incidences of Force Majeure event such as fire, flood, storm, natural calamities, earthquake, enemies, war, riot, civil commotion or any other irresponsible force, act of God.
  12. In case of Damage(s)/Loss(s) to/of the cloth(s) article, Customer can claim the refund against the original bill. Refund will be processed after inspection of photographs or supporting documents or details provided by customer. Refund/compensation will not exceed 10 times of the cost of the service or Rs. 2500/- (Rupees Two thousand five hundred Only), whichever is lesser.
  13. If any service provide/vender fails to meet the expectation of customer or instructions given by the customer, then the responsibility lies with service provider/vender. However, we will make all the possible efforts to provide the best service.
  14. Customers are requested to verify the identity of the delivery boy (identity card) before handing over the cloth(s)/article(s). Failing to above, we shall be held responsible not for any damage(s)/loss(s) of the cloth(s)/articles(s).
  15. We will not accept any request related to damage(s) or loss(s) or any other issues for the cloth(s)/articles(s) of the customer beyond 3(three) weeks of the scheduled delivery date.
  16. All disputes are subject to the jurisdiction of Courts in Ahmedabad only.
  17. Rinzzo Service Ltd reserves the rights to cancel/modify/change the terms and conditions at any point in time without any prior intimation or notice.